Protect Health, Provide Comfort & Save Lives




Protect Health, Provide Comfort & Save Lives

Why do we do what we do? We all know the pride that comes from being a part of an extensive project. At TP Mechanical, we’re honored to work on significant projects every day, playing a pivotal role in the construction of buildings with incredible purpose. We can point at that building when it’s done and say, “I helped make that happen.”

But for the team at TP Mechanical, it goes deeper than a sense of pride. It’s believing in and living the purpose, “Protect Health, Provide Comfort & Save Lives.” This purpose statement describes how we as mechanical contractors, service providers and fabricators are doing more than just making buildings.

We’re protecting the health of the people who will live in, work and visit inside these well-thought-out structures. We’re making places comfortable, and saving lives in the event of a potential disaster, such as a fire. We invite you to take a closer look at the three elements of our purpose statement.

  1. Protect Health. The World Health Organization notes that sustainable health is not possible without access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities, which we sometimes can take for granted. Quality plumbing fabrication, installation and service can improve the health and wellness of the people utilizing these facilities.
  2. Provide Comfort. At the heart of it all, heating and cooling services are about providing a healthy and comfortable environment for all occupants in a building. Indoor air quality and climate control are improved through the efficient operation of these systems. Our purpose is to provide that ideal environment for everyone.
  3. Save Lives. Fire protection systems save lives and protect property. In commercial buildings, a fire can have a devastating and deadly effect, but with properly fabricated, installed and maintained systems fires can be contained and more easily controlled, decreasing a potential fatal and catastrophic event.

At TP Mechanical, our work is driven by our purpose. We seek to serve our customers through our Core Values and our Mission Statement: TP Mechanical strives to be the premier contractor that builds everlasting value by transforming our industry through a culture based on safety, honesty, quality, innovation and servant leadership.”

Today and everyday in the future, we will continue to recognize what we do has real implications on real people; therefore the Purpose that TP Mechanical stands for is just as important as the actual work we do.


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