Got allergies? The TP Mechanical Service Team can help.




Got allergies? The TP Mechanical Service Team can help.

Allergy medicine isn’t the only remedy to help you survive the coughing, sneezing and wheezing.

Tame the dreaded allergy season by controlling the indoor air quality of your building. It’s a common misconception that the air contaminants that cause allergy symptoms to flare up are found outdoors. The fact is the majority of the culprits are found inside.

Many people believe the pollens floating around outside, especially during the springtime months, are the problem. So they lock their windows and turn their HVAC dials to “recirculate” to minimize the introduction of outside air. Unfortunately, this is the worst thing they can do. The constant recirculation of air within a building causes microbes and chemicals to accumulate in the filtration system and makes it difficult to purify the air over time.

Studies suggest that 50% of illnesses are caused by polluted air – and have shown that air is 70% more polluted inside a building than outside. According to the American Lung Association, air ducts have more germs than a chicken coop.

Here’s what’s really making your allergies go nuts:

  • Exhaust emissions that make their way inside a building from surrounding traffic
  • Fumes from common cleaners, paint on the walls and even your office furniture
  • Dirt, dust and mites
  • Mold spores from damp air

Even clean air that’s overly dry can cause noses to bleed, sore throats and burning eyes.

The TP Mechanical Service Team has extensive knowledge of the most effective methods of creating comfortable, clean indoor climates that keep allergy symptoms at bay. As part of our preventative maintenance checklist, our team will clean and prepare your HVAC system to enhance the indoor air quality of your building. Give us a call and get us on your schedule.

In the interim, here’s what you can do now to get a jump on the season:

  • Constantly flush the building with outside air. We recommend using an economizer. The device pulls outdoor air into the building on a consistent schedule and also controls the humidity levels. You don’t want air that’s too damp or too dry. If your system doesn’t have one, we’ll help you put one in place.
  • Change your filters consistently and often. Be aware of the MERV rating of the filters your building requires. We can tell you what kind you need if you aren’t sure.
  • Monitor the chemicals used to clean your building. Use only environmentally and allergy-friendly products and check everything from carpet cleaners to what’s used to wipe down your desks. We can recommend products that help support indoor air quality.
  • Call our service team to assess your system and give you more specific advice as it pertains to your building’s system. Or sign up for an assessment today.

Allergy season is brutal. TP Mechanical will help you keep indoor air contaminants at bay so you can breathe a little easier this season.


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