Lower Winter Fuel Costs




Lower Winter Fuel Costs

Presented by TP Mechanical | Provided by HORAN

Winter CabinBudgeting money for the holidays is always important, but many people often forget about the increased energy costs associated with winter until they get hit with the bill. Use the following recommendations from the Department of Energy to keep your costs in check this year.

  • Cover drafty windows with heavy-duty, clear plastic sheets, or tape clear plastic film to the inside of your window frames.
  • Seal the air leaks around utility cut-throughs for pipes, in gaps around recessed lights in insulated ceilings and in unfinished spaces behind cupboards and closets.
  • Maintain a regular service schedule for your heating systems. Replace filters once a month or as needed.
  • Set your thermostat as low as is comfortable. Turning it back 10 degrees at night or before leaving your home can save around 10 percent of your heating bills.
  • Finally, use LED holiday light strings to save on the price of seasonal decorations.

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